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| We pray and bow our head to the Goddess Sarswati, goddess of knowledge | सरस्वती महाभागे विद्ये कमल लोचने । विद्यारूपे विशालाक्षि विद्यां देहि नमोस्तुते ।। | (Saraswati Mahabhaage, Vidye Kamal Lochane, Vidyarupe Vishaalakshi Vidyam Dehi Namostute.) | Oh! Goddess you are the most lucky and full of knowledge, you have Lotus like big and beautiful eyes. You are the giver of knowledge. | Oh! Goddess Saraswati I bow may head to thee, please give me knowledge and Vidya. | Our Vision : | Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi imparts sacred knowledge of Vedas and instill high patterns of discipline through our dedicated faculty who meet global standards, making our students technologically superior and ethically strong, to improve the quality of life of the human race. We strictly follow classical based Astrology. We do not endorse views on remedial measures like Grah Shanti, Gems prescription, Kaal Sarpa Dosha / Shanti etc. being in circulation now a days through various medium of communications, except those given in Brihat Parashar Hora shastra. | About the Institute and its Rules : | One of the Bhavan's best premier global Institute imparting knowledge of Astrology is located in the heart of the City at Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi. Present Astrology Course was started in the premises of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in 1987, by Shri K. N. Rao, I.A.A.S. (Retd.) a legendary astrologer of modern times. The Institute conducts Jyotish Alankar and Jyotish Acharya courses in order to encourage the study and research in Astrology. The Institute also selects eligible candidates who have passed out Jyotish Acharya course for research in Astrology under the guidance of Shri K. N. Rao. Our outstanding successful researches are published in the Journal of Astrology and other publications. | The classes are conducted in English and Hindi from 2.45 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. on Saturday and 1.30 p.m. to 4.45 p.m. on Sunday. On successful completion of Jyotish Alankar and Jyotish Acharya Course, the students are awarded Certificate | Duration of Courses : | One year of Jyotish Alankar and Jyotish Acharya has two terms and there shall be six lectures in a week, three on Saturdays and three on Sundays. Research classes will be held on both days for One year, However, for a batch, it will be held only on one day. There is about a month's break between two terms (June and December). Timing of the Classes (For all courses) Saturday 2.45 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. (Tea Break - 4.25 p.m. to 4.40 p.m.) Sunday 1.30 p.m. to 4.45 p.m. (Tea Break - 3.30 p.m. to 3.45 p.m.) Marma Chikitsa classes from 11 AM to 1.30 PM will be informed in advance. (Subject to changes according to weather and other conditions. The Committee reserved right to alter the timing according to needs.) | Eligibility for Admission : | JYOTISH ALANKAR COURSE | Minimum qualification toJyotish Alankar course is Higher Secondary Examination or S.S.L.C. or an equivalent examination with Mathematics as one of the subjects, besides proficiency in spoken and written English or Hindi. The medium of instruction is English or Hindi and medium of examination is also English or Hindi (as per the choice exercised by the candidate at the time of the admission). | Note : the choice once exercised will be final and binding. | Minimum Age : 24 years | The admission will be granted in order of merit, as the number of seats available are limited. All the successful candidates at the time of interview shall be admitted to Jyotish Alankar Course. | JYOTISH ACHARYA COURSE | After successful completion of Jyotish Alankar Course the students are eligible for Interview for Jyotish Acharya Course. However, students who become successful in minimum three papers out of the five papers, are also eligible for interview and are likely to be promoted for Jyotish Acharya. They have to clear the failed papers of Jyotish Alankar before the completion of Jyotish Acharya Course. All the successful candidates at the time of interview shall be admitted to Jyotish Acharya Course. Attending the convocation seminar is compulsory for Jyotish Acharya classes, failing which they shall not be eligible for admission to research classes. | C. | ADMISSION TO SENIOR JYOTISH ALANKAR AND SENIOR JYOTISH ACHARYA | We do not recognise any Degree/ Diploma / Certificate course in Astrology of any other Institute. However, for meritorious students passed out from other Institutes, with the approval of Advisor, Controller of Examination, can be considered for admission to Senior Alankar Courses. Student has to pass out the Institute's Midterm and Annual Examinations. | RESEARCH | After successful completion of Jyotish Acharya Course and only those who have attended the convocation Seminar are eligible for interviews to Research Classes. All candidates who are successful in the interview will be admitted to Research Class in Astrology. Institute's decision in respect of Guide and choice of area of research to the students will be final. Attending convocation seminar is compulsory. Renewal for yearly research classes will be based on attending the convocation seminar and submission of minimum two research papers on the subject area of research. |
| Admission Procedure : | Application duly filled in on the prescribed form must reach the Office on or before the prescribed date along with : | 1. | One photo copy of the highest Certificate/ Degree acquired. | One clear Photocopy of any of the following documents acceptable as Identity proof, showing all details such as number, date of issue, date of validity and place of issue. | (i) | Ration Card. | (ii) | Passport. | (iii) | Driving License. | (iv) | Voter ID. | 3. | One clear Photocopy of any of the following documents will be acceptable as Address Proof. Please provide the address proof of correspondence address only. All communication would be addressed to Correspondence address only. | (i) | Passport. | (ii) | Voter ID. | (iii) | Driving License. | (iv) | Ration Card. | (v) | Bank Pass Book / Statement. | (vi) | Latest Electricity Bill or Telephone Bill (Not more then two months old). | A photo copy of Matriculation or Higher Secondary Certificate showing the date of birth. | 5. | Three copies of recent passport size photograph, one duly pasted and self attested on the form and two without attestation. |
| The applicant would be required to appear for an Interview before admission. The admission would be given on the basis of general intelligence, motivation interest in the subject and conditions prescribed there in. The list of selected candidates for admission to the courses will be displayed on the notice board. The selected candidates are required to deposit the prescribed fees in full in the Bank, functioning in the Bhavan's premises. One copy of Bank's receipt has to be submitted to the Office along with the application form for admission within five days from the date of publication of the list on the notice board. | Library : | Bhavan has a Reference Library and books are not issued to students. Facilities are provided to read the books and journals in the library itself. The Identity Card is the library card. | Attendance : | A minimum of 75% attendance at lectures in all courses is required on the whole besides completing homework. | Medium of Instructions : | Medium of instruction shall be English and Hindi and the students can answer the questions in English or Hindi. A partial use of Hindi in the English medium classes and English in the Hindi medium classes is permissible for the purpose of better clarification and understanding wherever deemed necessary by a teacher. | Seminars : | 1. | REGULAR | Seminars are held on every Fourth Sunday of a month at 4:45 P.M., in which research paper published in the Journal of Astrology and on other subject areas are discussed. Guest speakers are also invited to these seminars. | CONVOCATION | Bi-annual seminars are held alongwith the convocation. These seminars are optional for Jyotish Alankar classes and are compulsory for Jyotish Acharya and Research classes. Nominal expenses will be charged for incidentals. |
| Examination and Passing Standards : | A. | Mid Term Examination | There shall be two mid term examinations, one in the first term and another in Second term. Mid term examination is compulsory and qualifying for junior classes. Qualifying marks are 33%. Students failing in the mid term examination, are not allowed to appear for the Annual Examination. A student will get two chances before Annual Examination to qualify the Mid term examination. Examination fee for supplementary mid term is Rs. 200. | Annual Examination | A candidate must obtain a minimum of 40% in each paper in order to be declared passed in the final examination. | FIRST CLASS | A successful candidate scoring 60% and above in aggregate will be placed in the First Class (I Class). | SECOND CLASS | A successful candidate scoring 50% and above in aggregate but less then 60% will be placed in the Second Class (II Class). | THIRD CLASS | A successful candidate scoring 40% and above in aggregate but less then 50% will be placed in the Third Class (III Class). | FAILED | A candidate who scores less then 40% of marks in each written paper is deemed to have failed in the Examination. A candidate will be given maximum six chances for re-appearance in the failed examination. Fail to pass the examination after availing maximum chances, He/She will have to take fresh admission. |
| Fee Structure : | a) | Jyotish Alankar (One year) | Rupees | Registration Fee (at the time of registration, Non-Refundable) | 250.00 | Tuition Fee | 21,270.00 | Annual Subscription to the Journal of Astrology | 480.00 | Total Fee (includes Service Taxes ) | 22,000.00 | Fee for attending again in last semester for those who are not able to appear for the final examination : Rs. 10,000.00 | b) | Jyotish Acharya (One year) | Jyotish Acharya (One year) | 18,520.00 | Annual Subscription to the Journal of Astrology | 480.00 | Total Fee (includes Service Taxes) | 19,000.00 | Fee for attending again in last semester for those who are not able to appear for the final examination : Rs. 10,000.00 | c) | Research Classes (One Year) | Research Classes (One Year) | 13,520.00 | Annual Subscription to the Journal of Astrology | 480.00 | Total Fee (includes Service Taxes) | 14,000.00 |
| Marma Chikitsa For Jyotish Alankar | The institute of Astrology has upgraded the subject of medical astrology by incorporating the ancient tradition of Marma Chikitsa, which is based on Sushruta Samhita. Marma points are an important element of Ayuruveda's healing power. This is a healing art from the ancient Ayuruveda that works on sensitive energy points of the body profoundly affecting the body, mind and spirit to facilitate the deepest levels of healing. This upgrading of the syllabus by including Vedic therapy, based on Sushruta Samhita, at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi has been done at the junior Alankar Level by qualified and trained reachers of Gurukul kangri University. | Confirmation of Admission To All Jyotish Courses | Admission Committee reserves the right to confirm or reject the admission to the Candidate which will be based on performance in the interview and verification of certificates produced in original. These documents must be produced at the time of Interview. The decision of Admission Committee will be final and binding. No further explanation will be given for rejection of any candidature.Admission shall be cancelled in case full fee is not deposited within prescribed time. The vacancies so caused may be filled up by the Institute immediately before the commencement of the Course. | Examination | Towards the end of the Course the following examination will be held i) | Jyotish Alankar - June & December | ii) | Jyotish Acharya - June & December |
| Procedure for Payment of Fees and Examination Fee : | Fee will be accepted in cash only at extension counter of UCO Bank in Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on every working day except Sunday (Saturday: 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m.) After 4:00p.m., the amount can be deposited in the account section of the Bhavan upto 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. | At the time of admission one year fee for both the terms along with other charges must be paid. | Dates for the payment of fee and other dues by the students who are admitted will be notified from time to time. If a student fails to pay his/her dues by the stipulated date he/she will be fined @ Rs. 10/- each day of the delay subject to maximum of Rs. 150/- per month from period limited to 30 days from the stipulated date. |
| Refund of Fee : | Before the Commencement of the classes, 80% of Total Fees paid will be refunded (except mentioned in course Fee structure) if any written request is made. Those who have not attended any class are eligible for refund of 75% of refundable fees till the end of the first week after the commencement of classes. After the first week no refund. | General Information : | Tuition fee does not include cost of study material which may be given to the students on actual cost-basis. | The academic year will alternatively commence for both the courses as under : A) First term/ Second term : January to May B) Second term/ First term : July to November |
| Discipline : | All the students registered with the Institute of Astrology will be subject to the general disciplinary control of Advisor through its controller of Examinations and the rules framed by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. Students are desired to adhere the protocol for airing any grievance, first to the class teacher, then to the Member, Committee of Examinations, then to the Chairman, then to Advisor and then to the Principal of the Institute. Failure to adherence of disciplinary protocol, student are liable for strict disciplinary action. The Institute has the power to strike off the name of student who is grossly irregular or short in attendance or when he/ she is guilty of misbehaviour or misconduct. The decision of the Institute will be final and binding. | Class Teacher : | For all practical purposes the teacher who takes first class on Saturdays will be the Class Teacher. For Junior Alankar students, if first class on Saturdays happens to be of Sanskrit then teacher who takes first class on Sundays will be the Class Teacher. | Class Monitor : | Every class will choose two monitors, who represent them in Monitor's meeting and for other purposes. Monitor's meeting will be held on every third Sunday of the month to be conducted by Examinations and Time Table Committee. | Faculty : | The Faculty comprises eminent, experience and renowned Astrologers and Researches. | Principal | Prof. N.N. Pillai | M.A. (Mass Communication) Pennsylvania University (USA), Advanced Course in Advertising and Promotion Management (Wharton School, U.S.A.) Advanced Course in Public Relations (Michigan State University, U.S.A.), L.L.B., Formerly Course Director and Professor, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Communication Consultant to World Bank, UNESCO and British Council. | Advisor | I.A.A.S. (Retd.) M.A. (English), Guide to researchers, Chief Guide and Editor of 'Journal of Astrology'. Author of more then thirty books on Astrology. | 1. | M.Sc. (Defence Science), Jyotish Visharad, Author of 'Profession, Introduction to Astrology and Celestial Delivery Boy-Transit and Jyotish Praveshika.' Guide & Editor of 'The Drekkana' Chairman, Syllabus and Prospectus Committee. | 2. | B.Sc., BEd., Jyotish Visharad, Author of 'Mystery of Rahu', Literary and Technical Editor of 'Journal of Astrology'. Member,Syllabus and Prospectus Committee. | 3. | B.Com., C.S.(I), Jyotish Visharad, Author of Ganesha Hora Shasthram Part I & II. | 4. | B.Sc., L.L.B., Jyotish Visharad, Author of Technical Paper 'Longevity Calculation'. | 5. | B.Sc. (Ag.) M.Sc (Hort) Hons. PGDPM, D.L., CAIIB, Jyotish Visharad, Author of 'Astrologyand Mathematical Astronomy,' Prashna Shastra Vol. I & II'. | 6. | M.Com., M.Phil, Jyotish Visharad. Author of 'Muhurta-Classical & Modern' and 'Kot Chakra'. | 7. | B.Sc., M.A. in Mass Comm., Jyotish Visharad. Author of Technical Paper 'Upgrahas and Mental Maladies'. Controller of Examinaton. | 8. | B.Sc., B.Ed., Jyotish Visharad, Co-Author of 'Book on Ashtakvarga' Sectional Editor (Hindi) 'Journal of Astrology', Member, Syllabus and Prospectus Committee. | 9. | I.D.S.E. (Retd.) B.Sc., Dip. C., Jyotish Visharad. Co-Author of 'Book of Varshphala'. | 10. | B.Tech.(Elect), M.B.A. Jyotish Acharya, Author of Technical Paper on 'Entrepreneurship'. | 11. | B.Sc., Jyotish Acharya, Jyotish Visharad, Author of Book 'Predicting through Dwisaptati Sama Dasha', Sectional Editor of 'Journal of Astrology'. Member,Examination and Time Table Committee, Sectional Editor of 'Journal of Astrology'. | 12. | B.A. (Hons.), Jyotish Acharya, Author of Book on Indian Marriage in Mordern, Urban, Educated Society. Chairman, Convocation Seminar. | 13. | B.Sc., M.B.B.S., Jyotish Acharya, Author of Technical Paper on 'Romance of Debilitated Planets'. | 14. | B.A. (Hons.), M.A. (Eco.) Jyotish Visharad, Author of Technical Paper on 'The Moon in Eight House', Sectional Editor 'Journal of Astrology'. | 15. | M.A., M.Phil (Music) Jyotish Visharad. Author of book 'Predicting Through Sthir Dasha'. | 16. | M.Sc. (Phy), B.Ed., I.C.W.A., Jyotish Visharad. | 17. | M.Sc. (Maths.) Jyotish Acharya, Author of book 'Predicting Through Chatursheeti Sama Dasha' and Planets and Education Vol-I', Member, Examination and Time Table Committee. | 18. | B.A. Diploma in Computers, Jyotish Visharad. Co-Author of book on 'Time Tested Techniques of Mundane Astrology, Sade-Sati & Famous Women'. Member, Examinations and Time Table Committee. | 19. | B.A., Jyotish Acharya, Co-Author of 'Book on Ashtakvarga' | 20. | IES (Retd.) B.Sc., Mech. Engg., (Hons.), M. Tech, Jyotish Acharya, Author of books on 'Predict effectively through Yogini Dasha, Predict effectively through Shodashottari Dasha, Predict effectively through Shastihayani Dasha. and Unravelling Puzzle of longevity'. Member, Syllabus and Prospectus Commettee. | 21. | M.Tech, LLB. Jyotish Acharya, Member, Syllabus and Prospectus Commettee. | 22. | B.Sc., Jyotish Acharya. Author of 'Pataki Rishta Chakra' Co-Author of book on 'Famous Women and Delayed marriage of Girls & Single Women and Astrology', | 23. | M.A. D.Phil. (Eco.), Jyotish Acharya, Co-Author of books on 'Dwadashottari Dasha, Sade-Sati, Famous Women and Delayed marriage of Girls', The Drekkana & Single Women and Astrology. | 24. | M.Sc. Ph.D. (Chem.), Jyotish Acharya, Author of Book on 'Interpreting Divisional Charts'. | 25. | Shri Manoj Kaushik | B. Com., Jyotish Acharya, Author of Technical Paper on 'Fashion Designing'. | 26. | Shri R.S. Pawar | B.Sc. (Engg.), MBA, Jyotish Acharya, Co-Author of Books on 'Dwadashottari Dasha and The Drekkana'. | 27. | Shri Anil Kumar Singh | B.E. (Civil), Jyotish Acharya | 28. | Shri Vishal Arora | B.COm., Classical Vocal Singer from Delhi Gharana, Jyotish Acharya | 29. | Shri Rajbir Singh | Diploma in Engineering (Elect.), Jyotish Acharya, Author of Books on 'Adoption and only, First or Last Born Child'. | 30. | Mrs. Priyam Bada Agarwal | M.A. (Sociology), AUthor of Technical Paper on ' Pending Second Marriage'. | 31. | Shri Manohar Das: | M.Com., Jyotish Acharya | SANSKRIT FACULTY | 1 | Acharya Jana Prakash Sharma | Acharya (P.G) in Sahitya, Dharmashashtra, Phalit Jyoti sahitya Ratna and B.Ed. | 2 | Sh. Arvind Kumar Sinha | M.A (Eng. Literature), Phd., Acharya (Sahitya), PG Diploma in Journalism, Advance Course in Bahasa Indonesia, Diploma In Arabic. |
| Awards / Prizes : | 1. | Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals and Certificate of Merit are awarded to the First three meritorious students who stood First, Second and Third respectively in Jyotish Alankar and Jyotish Acharya English as well as Hindi Medium. | Best meritorious student male and female, who stood first in Mid-Term Examination in Jyotish Acahrya and Jyotish Alankar will be awarded with Late Shri M.S. Mehta and Late Shri Z. Ansari Memorial Awards respectively. | 3. | First three best chosen research articles per Research class will be awarded mementos and Certificate of Merit for their research. Procedure for choosing research articles will be decided by Examinations Committee and their decision will be final. |
| MOST IMPORTANT : | The information given in this booklet about the Course, Fees, Rules and Programmes is subject to change at any time. Decision of the Institute in this respect will be final and binding. | Syllabus : | - Jyotish Alankar (Click here to see the syllabus)
- Jyotish Acharya (Click here to see the syllabus)
| Prescribed Books : | - Jyotish Alankar (Click here to see the Details)
- Astrological Classics (Click here to see the Details)
- Jyotish Acharya (Click here to see the Details)
- For Research Students (Click here to see the Details)
- Suggested Further Reading (Click here to see the Details)